module SimpleStatistics

Extended Modules

Defined in:

Constant Summary

VERSION = "0.1.0"

Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def geometric_mean(numbers : Enumerable) : Number #

Get the geometric mean of an enumerable.

If the enumerable is empty, Enumerable::EmptyError will be raised. If the enumerable contains negative numbers, SimpleStatistics::InvalidNumberError will be raised.

SimpleStatistics.geometric_mean([2, 8])
# => 4

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def linear_regression(coordinates : Enumerable(Enumerable(Number))) : Line #

Performs a simple linear regression. Returns a Line.

If only one coordinate is provided, the resulting Line will be flat (i.e., have a slope of 0).

If the enumerable is empty, Enumerable::EmptyError will be raised. If any of the coordinates don't have a size of 2, a BadCoordinateError will be raised.

line = SimpleStatistics::linear_regression([[0, 0], [1, 1]])

line.slope      # => 1
line.intercept  # => 0      # => 2

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def mean(numbers : Enumerable) : Number #

Get the arithmetic mean (also known as the average) of an enumerable. This is the sum of all of the values divided by the number of values.

If the enumerable is empty, Enumerable::EmptyError will be raised.

SimpleStatistics.mean([3, 1, 2])
# => 2

SimpleStatistics.mean([9, 9])
# => 9

# raises Enumerable::EmptyError

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def median(numbers : Enumerable) : Number #

Get the median of an enumerable. This is the "middle value".

If the enumerable is empty, Enumerable::EmptyError will be raised.

SimpleStatistics.median([3, 1, 2])
# => 2

SimpleStatistics.median([0, 2, 3, 5])
# => 2.5

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def median_sorted(numbers : Enumerable) : Number #

Get the median of a sorted enumerable. If you already know that the enumerable is sorted, this is faster than using #median.

If the enumerable is empty, Enumerable::EmptyError will be raised.

SimpleStatistics.median_sorted([1, 2, 3])
# => 2

SimpleStatistics.median_sorted([0, 2, 3, 5])
# => 2.5

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def mode(values : Enumerable(T)) forall T #

Get the mode of an enumerable, which is the value that appears most frequently. If there is a tie, the most recently-seen mode will be returned.

If the enumerable is empty, Enumerable::EmptyError will be raised.

SimpleStatistics.mode([5, 4, 4, 3])
# => 4

SimpleStatistics.mode([5, 4.0, 4, 3])
# => 4

SimpleStatistics.mode([1, 1, 2, 2, 3])
# => 1

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def quantile(numbers : Enumerable, p : Number) : Number #

Get the quantile from an enumerable.

If the enumerable is empty, Enumerable::EmptyError will be raised. If the second argument is not in the range (0..1), SimpleStatistics::BadQuantileError will be raised.

SimpleStatistics.quantile([3, 1, 2], 0.5)
# => 2

SimpleStatistics.quantile([3, 1, 2], 0)
# => 1

SimpleStatistics.quantile([4, 3], 0.5)
# => 3.5

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def quantile_sorted(numbers : Enumerable, p : Number) : Number #

Get the quantile from a sorted enumerable. If you already know that the enumerable is sorted, this is faster than using #quantile.

If the enumerable is empty, Enumerable::EmptyError will be raised. If the second argument is not in the range (0..1), SimpleStatistics::BadQuantileError will be raised.

SimpleStatistics.quantile_sorted([1, 2, 3], 0.5)
# => 2

SimpleStatistics.quantile_sorted([1, 2, 3], 0)
# => 1

SimpleStatistics.quantile_sorted([3, 4], 0.5)
# => 3.5

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def range(numbers : Enumerable(T)) : Range forall T #

Get the minimum and maximum of an enumerable as a range. If the enumerable is empty, the range will be infinite and contain all values.

SimpleStatistics.range([3, 1, 2])
# => (1..3)

SimpleStatistics.range([5, 5, 5])
# => (5..5)

SimpleStatistics.range([] of Int32)
# => (..)

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def standard_deviation(numbers : Enumerable) : Number #

Get the standard deviation from an enumerable. This is the square root of the #variance.

If the enumerable is empty, Enumerable::EmptyError will be raised. If the enumerable only has one entry, 0 will be returned.

SimpleStatistics.standard_deviation([2, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 7, 9])
# => 2

# => 0

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def variance(numbers : Enumerable) : Number #

Get the variance of an enumerable.

If the enumerable is empty, Enumerable::EmptyError will be raised.

# => 2.91666...

# raises Enumerable::EmptyError

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